Secure access delivered simply and safely
Try Safelinx for FREE! (Must be fully licensed with HCL)
HCL SafeLinx provides remote users with a secure web-based clientless VPN connection and client-based access to enterprise applications. SafeLinx supports an extensive list of standard Internet Protocol (IP) and non-IP wireless bearer networks, server hardware and operating systems, and mobile security protocols.
HCL SafeLinx enables remote users the flexibility to connect to the internal network from a range of devices, such as desktop, notebook, and mobile devices as well as operating systems.
For products like HCL Nomad Desktop a web service, a proxy service to direct network traffic, and a secure connection to the Domino server are requirements. This is what SafeLinx provides.
It can also be used for every product in the HCL Digital experience stack, this means single points of entry for Traveler, SameTime, Verse, Volt, etc.
HCL SafeLinx Supports Three Connectivity Options:
Clientless connections through HTTP access services
Provides secure, clientless access through a secure SSL/TLS tunnel without requiring the installation of VPN client software.
VPN access through mobile access services
Delivers traditional VPN access to internal network servers and services that connect through mobile access services to your protected network.
Messaging gateway access through messaging services
Messaging services enable a web application server to send messages from a wired network to a client on a wireless network

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IBM Global Financing
IBM Global Financing (IGF) helps you acquire the IT solutions that your business needs in the most cost-effective and strategic way possible. With LifeIT, IBM Global Financing (IGF) helps you acquire the IT solutions that your business needs in the most cost-effective and strategic way possible.
Choose from a variety of financing options to address your unique solution requirements and help manage your cash flow and assets.
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Support options
From full 24 by 7 operations to month end support and holiday cover, we can tailor a fixed price solution to fit seamlessly with your IT department.
So we offer a wide range of technical support services including IBM i, System P, Domino and SQL Server, to proactively monitor the availability and performance of your systems within a fixed price contract.
The key to our Application Support is that it’s ‘tailored’ to your exact requirements, with the flexibility to increase the resources and hours of cover as required.
With a Life support contract, you have access to a multi-skilled team with hardware, operating system and application skills as well as the latest IBM i certifications.
We provide any combination of application, operational and technical support, no matter how current your environment is and no matter how long support is projected for.
Life IT offer bespoke managed Microsoft SQL Server support services which are tailored to our customer’s requirements to ensure their systems are optimized, stable and secure, as well as prepared for future upgrades and updates.